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Six Tips To Encourage Kids To Become The Entrepreneurs Of The Future

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Walking into an airport, or a mall, or a restaurant, it isn’t odd to see young children playing with some sort of electronic devices, whether it’s an iPad or a cell phone, or watching something on a television screen. On the contrary, it’s often an even odder sight to see a child playing with toy cars, or brushing a doll’s hair, whilst waiting for their kids’ meal at a restaurant.
Recent studies have shown that the amount of time young children spend on electronic devices has tripled in the last four years alone. Further studies have shown that young children eight years and younger, spend on average up to four to five hours per day on electronic devices. These numbers are set to increase as the years progress.
As we move onto what is predicted to be a tech-dominated future, how do we prepare our children to acquire the key skills they need to be creative, imaginative, innovative, while staying unique to their individualism? Well, worry not. KidzUnplugged has got you covered. We have six main tips to help your family encourage that young mind to become a future CEO.
1. Encourage more time spent on hobbies and talents  What other things does your child like that aren’t centered around technology? What sports clubs can they sign up for? If your child is great at a sport or is a talented artist, it’s best to nurture and develop it whilst they are still young.
2. Model creativity Children are more likely to do whatever they see is being done around them. As a parent, this is great time to tap into your own hobby or talent. Children tend to enjoy feeling genuine creativity and encouragement from their surroundings. You may find yourself enjoying the feeling of being a kid yourself.
3. Accept messiness When children are really in their "zone" of ample fun, they tend to make a mess. Most times, it’s a mess they understand and may have created on purpose. Allocate a certain area in the home that is all theirs, and where they can create freely, and "clean up time" can be done when they are done. Interrupting their mess can interrupt their creativity.
4. Networking is for young children too When we hear the word "networking," we often pair it with a professional setting. But actually, children who are socially comfortable, often grow up to be great communicators and leaders. The next time you go on a family vacation, hit up the resort kids club; its great place for children from different parts of the world to interact.
5. Point out the small stuff around us Most children are born inquisitive (we all know how many times they are able to ask why!), but often lose this trait as they get older, and more so as they learn about something called Google. But you can easily provoke inquisitive thinking in small children by asking them their thoughts about things like, why clouds are not fully circle shaped or why flowers are colored differently. You’ll be amazed at their answers, and remember it doesn’t have to be wrong or right- it just needs to be their own thought process.
6. Acceptance of who they are Children blossom freely once they are able to be who they are. Encouraging this from an early age, not only builds confidence, but opens up ways for children to be more accepting of others around them. All qualities needed for a great leader.
These tips are just some of many more amazing things you can do with your children. Not only will they be capable of becoming a successful entrepreneur, but more importantly, a well-rounded and socially conscious member of society.

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